Honest Drawings Show The Challenges & Joys of Married Life

Whoever said, “marriage is work” was not joking. Once the honeymoon is over, life kicks in, and you go through many ups and downs with your partner. Israeli artist Yehuda Devir has been married to his wife, Maya, for a while, and he illustrates the most relatable moments in their relationship. From leaving hair all over the place to deciding who has to do the dishes, they show you the real side of married life, and it is perfect for everyone who is in a relationship or was in one in the past. Continue reading to see that your struggles and happy moments are much more common than you thought.
Just Five More Minutes!
Sometimes you just want to lay in bed with your partner all day, but that doesn’t happen because you both have to work. There should be an extra day of the weekend because two days is not enough sleeping-in time. Who else wants a day to cuddle in bed with their partner each week?

If you aren’t a morning person, it must take a lot to drag yourself out of bed each day to go to work, but that is life. Who else misses being a toddler when your parents would beg you to take a nap? We are regretting those missed opportunities now.
Don’t Be Shy
While your partner might be confident with their body, it is hard not to compare yourself to others. Even though she loves him, and only has eyes for him, it is hard to be confident all the time. Everyone goes through those moments of feeling a little uncomfortable.

Whenever you or your partner starts to feel self-conscious, remind them, “if they aren’t paying your bills, don’t pay them no mind.” Don’t worry about what other people think because their opinions are irrelevant and shouldn’t matter.
“It’s Your Turn To Do The Dishes”
When you live with someone, you usually split the household chores evenly. While one person does the cleaning, the other person might offer to do the dishes. This is the number one source of couples’ arguments because no one truly enjoys cleaning up after dinner.

No one likes standing over the sink washing piles of dishes, but someone has to do it. It always feels better when one partner offers to clean up without being asked, but how often does that really happen? If you think you are the couple that gets in small spats all the time, you are not alone.
“Hey! Stop That!”
The holidays are a notorious time for people to gain weight because of all the parties and delicious foods. However, once the holiday season is over, it might be difficult to see the results of all those cookies. To make matters worse, he decided to prank her by making the scale show a higher number.

Although it may feel bad to put on a couple of pounds, weight gain isn’t the end of the world. It’s ok to let yourself indulge a little more during the holiday, but don’t be too hard on yourself. The number on the scale doesn’t matter; it’s how you feel inside.
“I’m Using It…As A Back Rest”
When you and your partner made new year’s resolutions to work out more and bought a fitness machine to help with that goal, but no one ends up using it. It probably turns into a coat hanger or a waste of space in the house because all those goals went out the window.

This has happened to many people, so don’t feel alone. Who wants to use some weird contraption when they can sit and eat Nutella instead. Maybe it would be reasonable to eat Nutella while using the exercise machine, so it doesn’t totally go to waste.
Fights Are a Part Of Every Relationship
In every relationship, it is normal to argue and fight. It isn’t always rainbows and sunshine, and some fights are bigger than others. They can be about anything from not remembering an anniversary to saying the wrong thing, but a fight doesn’t mean the couple no longer loves each other.

However, even if you argue, it is important to work through those problems because it will only make you a stronger couple. One relationship rule we have heard repeatedly is, “Never go to sleep angry.” It is better to work through the problem and resolve the issue sooner than later.
“How Could I Forget?”
The longer you are in a relationship, the harder it is to remember every important anniversary. From your first date to the day you got engaged to your wedding date, there are so many numbers to remember that they can start to blur together.

It always feels good when your significant other remembers the anniversary without you reminding them. Even if they have to put an alarm on their phone or mark their calendars, it shows they care to commemorate important milestones in the relationship.
“How Do You Have So Much Hair?”
If you have ever lived with a woman who has long hair, you know the struggle of finding hair everywhere. On the floor, on the couch, on the tables, and even on your clothes. No matter where you look, there is probably hair on that surface.

Even if you clean or vacuum all of it up, somehow, you still find strands seconds later. How does someone lose so much hair, yet they still have so much left on their head? It is a question people will be asking themselves for the rest of their lives.
“I Found A Grey Hair! You’re Getting Old”
When women find grey hair, it is like the end of the world, but when you find grey hair on your man, it makes us feel better. It makes you wonder what they will look like with a full head of grey. Will they be a silver fox or the complete opposite?

It’s fun to mess around because it doesn’t matter what happens as long as you can grow old together. Those little signs of aging aren’t so bad, and people can look at them as having more wisdom.
Relationship Bodies
Nothing says getting into a relationship quite like gaining a few extra pounds. When you are in love, it just kind of happens without anyone noticing. Some people don’t mind it, and others hate it, but it’s your body, and you can change what you want to.

Sometimes we catch ourselves looking in the mirror at all the different parts of our body and judging them. However, in those times, we have to catch ourselves and remember that changing bodies are normal. He doesn’t seem to mind his belly, so she shouldn’t care about hers.
“It’s Not What You Think”
When you live with your partner and have a show you watch together, but they watch the new episode without you. It is one of the biggest betrayals because now they know what happens, and you are left in the dark. It also means you have to watch it alone.

How could they? You left the house for a few hours, and that was the first thing they thought to do. How will you ever trust that they will wait to watch again? They need to earn your show trust back again because it will never be the same.
A Hairy Situation
When you cook for your significant other, and they find one of your hairs in their dish. “How did that get there?” You can play it off and say that your hair adds more flavor or that it is your secret ingredient, but they know by now that they will find hair no matter where they look.

When you have been in a relationship long enough, it’s easier to tell them that it’s gross for hair to be in the food. At some point in the relationship, they will learn to love your hair all over the house. Hair won’t hurt anyone; it’s just not the original flavor you were going for.
“Yes! A Thousand Times Yes!”
Most people dream of the day someone gets down on one knee and asks them to spend the rest of their lives together. When someone loves you so much that they want to be with you forever, it is an overwhelmingly incredible feeling. She was clearly waiting for this and had her answer prepared.

Sometimes you don’t see it coming, or you had a feeling that it would happen soon, but it is so exciting when they finally ask that long awaited question. It’s not about the ring or how big the proposal is; it’s just about you and them taking the next big step in your partnership.
Time To Focus On Our Health
When one person goes on a health kick, both of you are along for the ride, especially when you live together. You might be perfectly satisfied with your lifestyle, but they will replace everything in the fridge with kale because a magazine article said it was the best way to live.

It might only last for a few days before they start craving carbs again, but be supportive and make the most of it. You can complain when they start making you do pilates and yoga because you didn’t sign up for that.
Who Is This Morning Monster?
When you go to sleep at night next to your partner but wake up next to a hairball monster. It might be terrifying at first, but eventually, you get used to the way they look in the morning. Even Hulk is startled by the sight of her in the early hours.

Just imagine how nice they look once they brush their hair and wipe the drool off the side of their mouth. No one wakes up looking flawless (except Beyonce), so let’s give everyone a break for not looking perfect in the morning.
Knowing When To Say Sorry
Relationships aren’t perfect. There will be arguments when people say things they don’t mean, but it is how you get through those things that determines the strength of your relationship. Sometimes you have to know when to say sorry because words can hurt.

Some people are more sensitive, but these spats are part of any relationship. Whether you have been together for two months, two years, or two decades, those little arguments will happen because no relationship is perfect all the time.
When you move in with someone, you start to find out the strange habits they developed when they lived alone. Whether it is eating out of the fridge or leaving the toilet seat up, we all have weird habits. It is just slightly more embarrassing when people discover them.

What’s the point of taking the food out of the fridge to warm it when you can eat it right out of the cold container. He didn’t think he would get caught, but this time he was wrong. There is no way to get out of this one.
Baby Fever Level: 1000
When baby fever kicks in, there is no turning back. As long as you and your partner have talked about this and are ready to take those steps, it might be time to start trying before she starts smelling random babies to cure the fever.

Who knew that babies could be so infatuating once you get to a certain point in your life. Their cute little rolls and tiny toes can drive any woman wild, and he seems to appreciate his wife’s longing stares.
Operation Make A Baby
When couples decide it is time to start trying for a baby, they have to strategically think about it. There is a small window when women can get pregnant, so she will make sure they are in bed with a plan on those days.

Plenty of couples can relate to this situation, where she is the sergeant, and they have to follow her attack plan. He has to be ready at any moment and ready for battle because it usually doesn’t happen overnight for most couples.
Send Help!
When couples start trying for a baby, it can take a few tries. She might not get pregnant on the first try, so there are tips and tricks to increase a couple’s chances. However, there are only so many times you can try in one day, and he looks like he is about to tap out.

He looks like he is about to wave the white flag because he can’t go another round. There are too many positions to try and get through, but he only has so much energy. When will it be acceptable to stop for the night and try again tomorrow?
Baby Potion In The Works
As she is trying her best to get pregnant, she is doing everything to increase her chances. She is taking everything from folic acid to random vitamins to make sure she is ready when she does get pregnant. Do you think her potion will help?

Her husband is confused by all the pills, serums, and concoctions, but she doesn’t care as long as they can have a baby. When you want to get pregnant, you will do everything in your power to make sure it can happen.
The Red Monster Returns
Trying for a baby is a rollercoaster of an experience, which is why couples have to prepare for all the emotions that come with the journey. It might be emotional when the test doesn’t show a positive sign or her period shows up, but that doesn’t mean they should give up.

Trying to have a baby is an emotional rollercoaster for not only the woman but also her partner. It can take a toll on a relationship when pregnancy doesn’t happen right away, but it is important to remember that you are doing this to start a family with the person you love, and that is what really matters.
“Don’t Be Such A Baby”
It’s a common stereotype that when women are sick, they don’t stop working. When men are sick though, the world comes crashing down, and he makes it seem like this is the worst illness of his life. It might be a minor cold, but he pretends he is dying.

Sometimes men can be so dramatic, especially when they are sick. Women will work through a 104-degree fever, but he can’t manage to get over this sniffle. They just want to be taken care of and coddled because that makes them feel better.
We Did It!
For so many couples, it is a dream to get pregnant and start a family. After trying for a while, Yehuda and Maya finally got a positive result and couldn’t have been happier. It is a celebratory moment because they are so excited to begin this new chapter of life.

They talked about starting a family for so long, and their plans finally came to life. This is one of the most memorable moments in their relationship, and it is something a couple will never forget. They were so excited for this journey to begin and see what experiences it would bring.
Taking It Easy Is Not So Simple
It’s time to move to a bigger place for their growing family, but he does not want his pregnant wife to do any work because he is protective of her. Pregnancy can cause a lot of strain on the body, and he wants her to take it easy and avoid heavy lifting.

Some women are determined to be independent throughout their entire pregnancy, and it’s hard to take it easy. While a partner does all the heavy lifting, it is hard to stand aside and rest when you are not used to that role. That being said, you have to think about your baby and put your ego aside during this crucial juncture. For many expectant mothers, that’s easier said than done.
“My Face…My Beautiful Face”
Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy, and your hormones are all over the place. Sometimes, that can cause acne, which you thought you got rid of as an adult. It might be annoying at the time, but he still thinks she is perfect. Pregnancy isn’t perfect all the time, but the outcome is worth it.

Eventually, your hormones will go back to regular levels, but it takes time for your body to adjust to these changes. It might feel like you are back in high school struggling to cover up pesky zits, but remember, it is all part of growing a human.
Belly Kisses
There is nothing more special than the excitement you have to meet your baby finally. This is a time full of love and lots of kisses. This baby is going to be so loved, and as soon-to-be parents, they are patiently watching as she develops and gets ready to enter the world.

Dad’s love giving belly kisses because it helps them feel connected during the pregnancy. Yehuda was so excited to be a dad, and they were counting down the days until the due date. Every twist and turn that came with pregnancy was wonderful and nerve-racking.
What An Interesting Discovery
As we said before, the body goes through many changes throughout pregnancy, and Maya was excited to share her changing body with Yehuda. He doesn’t seem to mind how excited she is that her boobs now touch her belly.

A woman’s body can do so many things, and those changes that make people self-conscious or excited are ways that will help the baby grow healthily. Although it is hard to be excited about bloating, growing bellies, and widening hips, these are all signs that your baby is getting bigger.
“Stop, Nobody Move!”
When the baby kicks for the first time, it is a magical moment. She couldn’t contain her excitement and wanted him to stop what he was doing to see. You can finally feel your baby moving around, and it becomes very real that a human is growing inside you.

Between pregnancy tests and doctor’s visits, she knew she was pregnant, but it finally hits you when the baby starts to move. Nothing can prepare a person for that odd moment or feeling, but it is something that will comfort you to know they are doing great inside the womb.
As Long As She Is Comfortable
As your belly starts to grow, it can be uncomfortable to sleep. While most people buy a special pillow to support their bellies, some opt to use their husbands as pillows. She is sleeping peacefully for once while he is trying not to be smothered by her hair.

Although he is incredibly uncomfortable in that position, he knows she barely gets any rest and deserves to feel comfortable for the first time in a while. At that moment, he is planning his day around buying a comfortable pregnancy pillow so she can use that instead of him.
They Need Another Bathroom
As your baby grows, it applies more pressure to your organs, including your bladder. Move out of the way because she has to go to the bathroom, and he is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was in the middle of going when she barged in because she could not wait any longer.

When your pregnant wife says she has to go to the bathroom, don’t hesitate to make sure there is a free toilet. With all her hormones going crazy, you do not want to mess with a pregnant woman who has a bathroom emergency.
“Are You Sure You Don’t Need Help?”
As we all know, when your belly starts to grow, everyday tasks become the biggest challenge because the bump gets in the way. At some point, putting on a pair of sneakers is like mission impossible because it is too hard for your arms to reach your feet.

Your partner might lend you a helping hand, but if you are anything like this cartoon, that is not an option. Holding onto some sense of independence gets harder and harder as you get further into your pregnancy. Sometimes it is best to let someone put your shoes on.
It’s Time!
It’s finally time to go to the hospital, but you might want to only bring the essentials instead of everything in the house. Instead of bringing everything you own, it is best to prepare a bag for the hospital, so you aren’t running around when its go time.

After the long nine months, it is finally time to meet their baby. Although they look panicked, they are over the moon about bringing home their new baby. This is a milestone moment in many people’s lives, and it is a joyous and scary time.
The Miracle Of Life
“Push, Push!!” The beautiful and painful moment is finally here, and they are about to meet their baby. He is beaming with excitement. After nine long months, you get to see the baby you created and start to enjoy parenthood.

Every woman says that labor is one of the hardest things they have physically gone through, and it most terrifies most people. Although they can grow babies, we don’t think anyone is prepared to push a watermelon through a pinhole.
Baby Ariel Is Here
When you can’t get enough of your newborn baby, and you want to stare at her all day long. Everything she does is adorable, even her drool and dirty diapers. They can’t believe that they created such an adorable baby girl. Most people would enjoy her sleeping moments while they last.

There are so many exciting moments when you bring your baby home, and everything they do is something to document. Even though she might have a smelly diaper, they can’t get over how sweet she looks. They might not think the baby is so cute when they go to change that diaper.
She Is Perfect In Every Way
After the pain and pushing comes the moment you get to hold your baby for the first time. You try to figure out which features the baby got from each parent and count all of her fingers and toes until you are sure there are ten of each.

It is like a halo of bliss is surrounding the new family, and nothing could compare to the way they feel at that moment. The nine months can sometimes feel like it is dragging on the more excited you get to meet your child, and then suddenly they are there, and it changes your world.
Exhausted Is An Understatement
“She never stops crying!!!” Once the baby is up, it is hard to put her back to sleep. It seems like she never stops crying. There are many exciting moments, but the sleepless nights are not something that you can prepare for. It might be time to get some caffeine and prepare for another long sleepless night.

Some people who are not parents might ask you why you are exhausted all the time because babies are supposed to sleep a lot, but they don’t understand. No one will ever understand a parent’s exhaustion until they experience it first hand. For one small baby, she has a lot of power.
New Dads Struggle Too
Raising a child doesn’t come with a manual; it’s something you learn as you go along and, just like with everything else, you’re bound to make mistakes. It’s those moments, laying in bed with your partner when your mind starts to race, and that self-doubt starts creeping in.

Being a dad is challenging because the baby is automatically connected to their mother. Sometimes it is more difficult to form that special bond, and it can be frustrating when she only wants her mom. Many new fathers go through this period where they question a lot of things, but it is ok to ask for help.
The First Time Away Is The Hardest
“Are you sure we need to leave her? She can fit in my suitcase!” The first trip away without the baby is difficult, and it is emotional. Nothing will happen to the baby, they will be just fine, but there is still a feeling of longing to be with them and protect them.

Although you deserve a break with your partner, you still want to see your baby every day and make sure they are ok. What if they forgot about you after a day? What if your baby misses you? These are all questions that might run through your mind, but remember, your baby is doing just fine.
We Still Got It
After having children and changing lifestyles, you should embrace the changes that your bodies go through. You love your partner no matter how their body changes, and you both embrace them together. Just because a pair of jeans doesn’t fit doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful.

Although it can be hard to accept that your body looks different, you have to remember that you brought a beautiful child into the world. It’s ok to gain weight, and it is ok to lose weight. You are not alive just to pay bills and lose weight.
Mad But In Love
After a confrontation or argument, there is a slight tension in the air, and you are waiting for the other person to speak first. It is important to put your ego aside and try to work problems out together because nothing is more important than the love you share.

Communication is key in every relationship. No matter how stubborn you might feel, it is important to break down those barriers and talk things through with your partner. Arguments are inevitable, but the way you get through them will make the relationship stronger.
Stuck At Home
Just when they were getting in the hang of this parenting thing, a pandemic strikes, and everyone had to stay in their homes for what felt like decades. How do you keep your toddler active and get housework done without leaving the confines of your apartment?

No matter how much you love your child, you can always use a break from them each day. When you are stuck inside, you have to think of exciting things to keep them active. They will run a muck through your house if they aren’t occupied at all times.
Not Again!
After the baby is born and you start to feel like yourself again, you might want to have some special time with your partner. However, that is a little more challenging when there is a crying baby one room over. Just when you thought she was sound asleep and things were going smooth, she woke up.

“Do we let her cry? Is there time to finish? Are you even in the mood anymore?” Those questions run through both your minds, and someone has to decide because you are in a compromising position. This is why parents need a getaway every once in a while.
“This Can’t Be Happening”
Just as your wife is walking around shedding hair like it is no problem, you discover a bald patch. It is like sirens are going off in your head that you are getting older, and questions are racing around your mind. How long do you have before it gets bigger? Do you need hair plugs?

Not to worry, just brush your hair in a different way to hide the patch. You can even use all the hair your wife sheds to create a mini toupee to cover up the spot. While it might seem like your world is crumbling around you, it is just one of the small problems that comes with age.
Mommy Needs A Break
There comes a time in the first year of having a baby when every parent needs a break. You might have found a hiding spot when things get crazy, or you just hide in another room to get a few moments of silence. Even just a minute to gather your thoughts is helpful.

Maybe it’s best to develop a code word with your partner when you start to feel overwhelmed. Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs, and it takes a lot of mental strength to keep going until you are running on fumes. It doesn’t mean you love your child any less; everyone needs a break.
Team Work Makes The Dream Work
“Honey, what pasta shape is better?” “It doesn’t matter. I know you can handle this on your own.” When you are the one who usually does the shopping, but you are too busy to go that week. Someone has to buy groceries, and they might not be the most experienced one in the house.

While you are at home doing all the work that has been piling up while watching a toddler, it can be frustrating to get phone calls about pasta. “How does he not know how to grocery shop without needing my help?” These are the thoughts running through her mind.
Mr. And Mrs. Know-It-All
When you really think about it, they are fighting about who loves their daughter more. Everyone wants the best for their children, but it’s hard to make the right decisions all the time. Parenting doesn’t come with set rules to help you make tough decisions, so it is up to you.

At that moment, you and your partner might have differing opinions about what is best for the child. However, it is best to sit down and discuss them calmly, so you can both think rationally about it. Maybe your combined decision is better than the two individual decisions.
Time For Baby #2
Just when you thought life couldn’t get crazier, another baby is on the way. While some people only want one child, others want to have big families. One baby was fun, but now you will get to experience it all over again and watch your child become an older sibling.

Although pregnancy is challenging, it is rewarding to grow your family. The second time around, people know what to expect more or less, so they don’t have as many surprises. It might be hard to get your first child adjusted to sharing time with the new baby.
Quality Time
In the age of technology, everyone is glued to their phones until they go to sleep. Even though bedtime is the only free time some people have with their partner, it doesn’t mean you have to do something together every night. Lying in bed and relaxing in different ways is still time together.

She is probably looking up things to expect with a second child while he watches Hulk cartoons. Sometimes you don’t feel like talking and just want to do something alone. That is ok, and no one has to feel bad for needing time to themself.