DIY Crafting Ideas For Old Tires

From a long time we have been receiving a lot of requests from the subscribers that it has been so long we didn’t present any recycling ideas of the old or used tires. All of us have vehicles at our houses and we keep replacing the old tires with new ones, so this is something that we come across every couple of years so this was badly needed to have some fresh old tire recycling ideas. So here we are presenting the tire recycling ideas which are most ly good for outdoor, grab a couple of tires and select the idea that you like the best.
This is something classic I would say, because it has got an old fashioned shape of a huge container which is basically a planter. But obviously it involved a couple hard procedures like cutting and shaping of the large tires so better start it with prior knowledge and after the provision of necessary tools.
These cup remind me of the merry go round made for the kids in play lands. As the kids always love such colorful things, but they are equally good and grabbers for the adults. Use best of the paints and twisters. Sometimes the most complicated looking demonstrations would be the easiest ones, you just have to explore them.
Look at this beautiful sitting area made in the garden. All of the material used here is scrap or reclaimed from some other items. The wooden slabs are borrowed from the pallets, in the base we used debarked wooden pieces, and the tires are obviously the old ones.
This beautiful garden décor idea is again mainly made with the old tires. The stylish roof top, bucket below it and the supporting wooden pillars were reclaimed and the tires are stained with very eye catching and shocking colors.
Sometimes it becomes damn hard to deal with some extra active growing kids. They feel ashamed while sitting idle so they always want to keep running and doing some crazy stuff, better recycle them this hiking activity board using the old tires.
This is a very cute tire recycled bucket. We have used here two differently sized old tires cut from the half, the bigger one is used in making the base or bottom, while the slimmer one is turned into the handle so that the weight could easily be carried without any hurdle.
Wow, sometimes my fellow crafters just do more than my expectations. Who would have got a better décor plan that this one? Especially the vintage car lovers are going to love this piece of art made with wholly trash and recycled material. Tires and wood were the main components of this smart vintage car.
This one I guess is the simplest and easiest thing that could be done even by a lay man. as it has got no tough procedures, we simply had to cut and mold this gigantic tire like this making it look like a hanging floral basket.
Just focus on the formation and you would realize all the technicalities here. A whole tire is cut and flattened to make the base and to be attached with the wooden stand, and then again a whole tire is twisted and turned inward out, stained and then simply placed here, isn’t this a great idea?
While this is a dual project made using a common heavy duty string or rope and a whole tire. When filled with the foliage it becomes a planter, and otherwise you can use it as a hanging swing but stay cautious with the direction of the push…