Creatively Recycle your Ikea-bag and Backpack

Do not throw your Ikea-bag backpack away, because you can use them creatively for other activities also, and it will be a great thing for you.
Ikea-bag is made of waterproof and hardwearing material, and this bag can be easily recycled for different other outdoor uses, including carrying different gears and ropes. The toggles and swap material required for the recycling process are easily available. To creatively recucle your ikea-bag backpack, you will need:
- Ikea bag
- An old backpack (the back and handle should be in good shape)
- A pair of shoelaces
- 2 small toggles
- Swing thread
- Sewing needle and scissors
Drawstring Edge
- Tie the both shoelaces and make a double fisherman’s knot.
- Now cut a small hole in the ridge around the top of the ikea bag and strand the shoelace through the hole. You can use a pen to push the shoelace around the seam.
- Small holes on the either sides will help you to bring the shoelace back, and after covering the seam with shoelaces, add two toggles to them and tie the shoelaces together. Cut the large handles of the ikea bag and leave the smaller one to pull the shoelaces tight to close the bag.
- Cut around the backpack and undo the handles. Carefully make four holes in the bottom of the bag and thread the handles to attach them together again on the outside area of the bag.