A heartbroken Chihuahua abandoned at a shelter hides at night, just like his late owner did.

When we mourn the passing of our loved ones, we often repeat what we did to them before. Not only people but also pets do this when they miss their departed friends. The longer they were with the deceased, the more difficult it was for them to break the habit.

Scooter, a 12-year-old Chihuahua, lived a happy life until his beloved 10-year-old owner passed away. His family didn’t want him anymore and sent him to an orphanage. When Scooter was moved to a new location, he was faced with the loss and was left devastated and heartbroken.

To calm himself down, Scooter pulled the dark blue blanket with white stars over his small body, wrapping himself up just like his owner did when sending him to bed. The tiny body was covered with a blanket, and only an alarmed face with cautious protruding ears poked out of the bundle.

The Branch County Humane Society was worried that no one would adopt Scooter since he was already 12 years old and had an old hip injury. However, the heartwarming scene of him curling up under a blanket made them more determined to find him a better place. They shared Scooter’s story on their Facebook and a miracle knocked on the door.

Among the people from all over the world who wrote to the shelter to give the poor pup a home, Jessica Lynn Howard and Gene, Jessica’s husband, who had adopted two other Chihuahuas from the shelter in the past, knew how to heal Scooter’s heart. When they returned home with Scooter, he was excited to meet his new pack and family.

Everyone greeted the new guy as if he were their long-lost friend. The Howards had three other dogs and lived on a large farm so they could easily accommodate their pack of six dogs, including Scooter. From then on, Scooter’s personality really started to shine through. Now he loves to fool around with his siblings and act stupid.

We want all senior shelter dogs to have the opportunity to find their forever home. If you do too, please like, and share Scooter’s story, and leave a comment below to spread the word!
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